- We thought are game was for 8-10 year olds so we wanted to make this game challenging for the kids so that they wouldn't get bored. The game had to be fun, fast, challenging, and had to have prices. Yes they do match are game because we used that as a guide. It wasn't stable enough to hold everything up, the layers weren't connected well. By having a more accurate sketch that helps us guide in the building of are game.
Build Plan:
Get materials
- Get wood (willy) and do the sketch mathias sends on it
- Get springs for base (mathias)
- silicon gun (ana)
- tubes (mathias)
- carb board box (ana)
- Connect and talk about what we will do on the wood a box
- Start with the base
- Create the labyrinth
- Add a way for the marble to go back so the person gets it again if the ball falls
- Put the springs on add everything on "details"
- Try it and if fails repair
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