Tuesday, November 20, 2012

College Exploration on Naviance

2 colleges that interest me that I just found out of about:
- RISD (Rhode Island School of Design)
- NYU (New York University)

 Irvine      UCLA     UC Santa cruz  pen state main campus 
Applications accepted 45% 26%64%76%
Graduation%83% 90% 74% 85%
GPA to enter  3.58 3.79 3.30 3.39
Sports team Volleyball  yes yes yes but only chosen  yes 
Public or private  public  public  public public 
cost tuition $36,000$35,564$36,294 $28,066
 Room and board $11,611$13,979$14,727$9,420

My GPA is: 2.87
Irvine: I need better score im low
UCLA: very low from the asking GPA
UC Santa Cruz: Close but not enough
Pen-state main campus: close but not enough

What I need to do to get in 2 of them and get closer is have a 3 or higher on each of my classes and if I have a 3.2 on each class I will get up to a 3.6; but not close to UCLA for that I have to be great student.

This lets me know how theres many different colleges which are good too not only stanford or harvard and that to get into these colleges I need to bump up my grades the lowest GPA for one of these is 3.3 of UC Santa Cruz. I really liked this and will really look into UC Santa Cruz which was the one I liked the most.

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