Wednesday, November 28, 2012

white hat hackers

I really know a little about white hat hackers:
- It's a term used for a computer hacker or a computer security system.

- What do they do?
- Is there other types of hat hackers and what do they have in common or different form white hackers?
- Whats the definition of white hat hackers?

Good links I used:

Things I learned: 
- White hat hackers definition: A hacker which try security systems to see if there any vulnerability of the system and will tell the page or place this is used (vendor). 
- Theres not only white hat hackers but theres also black hat hackers and grey hat hackers. The black hat hackers are hackers which hack intending a crime. The grey hat hackers are much alike as the white hat hackers but they don't only tell the vendor they also tell crackers.  
- The white hat hackers are said to be ethical hackers which only hack to see if the security system is good enough so that other hackers which are trying to do bad won't be able to hack it.
- These people are employed by the organizations to be the network security professionals. Most come from the CNS 4011 which are teams of hackers there red which act in aggression and the blue team which act in a defensive mode.
- White hat hacking started as a "security evaluating" by the U.S Air Force, they found out it had some vulnerability's. They also found out that the U.S had being doing this.
- The tactic of ethical hacking was made by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema.

Summary: So what I learned was that there hackers that are used for good. This connects to my life because theres many people which maybe want to make other miserable by hacking there private things and the white hackers would already tell the security system of the vendors; like if I have my bank account and the hack the system to see whats wrong and need to be strengthened.

Questions I still have: How do you ask a white hat hacker to help you see if you security system is good?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

College Exploration on Naviance

2 colleges that interest me that I just found out of about:
- RISD (Rhode Island School of Design)
- NYU (New York University)

 Irvine      UCLA     UC Santa cruz  pen state main campus 
Applications accepted 45% 26%64%76%
Graduation%83% 90% 74% 85%
GPA to enter  3.58 3.79 3.30 3.39
Sports team Volleyball  yes yes yes but only chosen  yes 
Public or private  public  public  public public 
cost tuition $36,000$35,564$36,294 $28,066
 Room and board $11,611$13,979$14,727$9,420

My GPA is: 2.87
Irvine: I need better score im low
UCLA: very low from the asking GPA
UC Santa Cruz: Close but not enough
Pen-state main campus: close but not enough

What I need to do to get in 2 of them and get closer is have a 3 or higher on each of my classes and if I have a 3.2 on each class I will get up to a 3.6; but not close to UCLA for that I have to be great student.

This lets me know how theres many different colleges which are good too not only stanford or harvard and that to get into these colleges I need to bump up my grades the lowest GPA for one of these is 3.3 of UC Santa Cruz. I really liked this and will really look into UC Santa Cruz which was the one I liked the most.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Google day #4

Goals for to day:
1. Name the project (what i'm going to do)
2. Start the project and go step by step an write them down for the video
Goals for the project make a house with 3 rooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, bathrooms, 1 dining room, 2 stairs, 1 studio or work area, roof and windows/door.

What I did:
I started an finished the plan for the first floor  I did the Dining Room, The kitchen, One bathroom, one of the stair cases, and the Living Room area (space)
This is the first floor but still doesn't have the stairs(UP).  Here they are in the process of making.