Useful links I found for my topic
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- Portfolios are a way of organizing your Out and inside High School life. This is for the colleges to see what have you been doing out of school such as job related experiences, extracurricular activities, and also in school such as academically (Grades, extracurricular activities in school). This is helping for when you leave school; for your future. This reflects on how responsible you are with your time in other things that you have done great in life. Its and important indicator of future success. These portfolios should contain some things that will help these colleges see what you've done in High School.
Portfolios are organized in different sections such as Personal Information, Academic Information, Extracurricular Activities, his/her job history and social service and Resources. These things are reflected by their best things he/she did in life but also improvements in life not only academic but as a person. In this portfolio the Personal Information part is about your personal and family documents also about parents education and profession and special needs if he/she has any. The Academic Information is about all your school grades, test, GPA, recommendations, reflection on what classes he/she did well on and special assignments he/she did. Extracurricular Activities are like MUN, top dogs, leadership and others. The next one talks about job experiences and social service thing you did. The last part is were you keep all the college information and things about it because you have to start preparing for college emotionally, financially and academically.
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